Why I Talk About Books Every Week
I love books. I love to read books, recommend books, daydream about writing a book, attend book signings, and listen to others talk about books.
Hey guys, it's Kyla Denanyoh, and I will tell you about something special happening every week. So, I love books. They are my ultimate favorite thing in the world. And I read at least one new book every week. That includes audiobooks, that is, physical books. And I will tell you all about them because I read some incredible stuff. And I've been changing my genres and kind of switching things up. And so, we're going to talk about that.
Every single week, I'll record a book review. I will talk to you about a book I'm reading that week or a book I've read before and absolutely love. Right? And there's that distinction because I'm listening to a new book every week, but I do have books that I absolutely adore, and I read them every year. And I'm going to talk to you about those books.
So, every single week, I will record a segment I'm calling what I'm reading this week. And I hate that. I'm going to put up a video every week. I will also add these videos to a playlist so if you're looking for a book, you can scroll through there, see what's happening, see what I'm reading, and get some information about it. All of these reviews will be under 5 minutes because I will keep it short and sweet.
I won't go through all the plot twists and all the characters, but I will share the genre, fiction, nonfiction, and career-based. I'm also going to share the style of the book: suspense, romance, thriller, comedy, that kind of thing. Of course, I'll share the book's author and title. And then, I'll tell you one crucial plot twist or quote from the book that I really enjoyed. And I'll let you know about whether or not I would reread the book and one reason why the book was really important to me. These recordings are going to be strictly my opinion. Strictly, strictly, strictly my opinion. So, I use the Libby app to listen to audiobooks. It's an app that allows you to download and listen to audiobooks for free as long as your library system is connected to Libby.
I've had my library card since 1988, when I was 4 years old. I'm not embarrassed to tell you that. But I was four years old when I got my library card, and the card I have now is not still the same but the same number I had. I've loved going to the library and reading since I was a little kid. And so I will share those books with you because I am diving into a new book every week. I promise you. There are very few situations where I only read a new book a few times a week.
So, if you're looking for a new book or, want to learn about new books or get my opinion on a book, this is the website for you! If you have any books you suggest that I read or any books that you really enjoy that you think would be great for the audience to read, leave a comment. Tell us about it. And if you're enjoying this video and the content, please like it and tell a friend about it. I would appreciate it. Alright, so until next week, I will be reading a book and getting ready to share it with you.
In March 2022, I started a YouTube channel and thought I wanted to talk about lawyers... but I already do that every week on the You Are A Lawyer podcast. So, I decided to talk about myself, but I didn't want to share too much. What else was there?
I have always loved books, enjoyed reading, and had fun book shopping, and giving books as gifts. I love listening to audiobooks and reading hardback books and even reading books to my kid.
I love books! Did I mention that already?
Not only do I get to share my thoughts about books, BUT I get to push myself to read new and diverse books and authors every week. How amazing is that?
Books will always be important and video book reviews are essential because:
People want to know your opinions about books,
People don't have time to read every day,
People want suggestions about whether to read a book and
People like video content. I could record two book reviews every week, and I would still have content for the next few months.
Such is the life of an avid reader. Until next time, my head will be in a book!